Ok, so while I've been crawling the internet looking for RIT MFA Alums to add to the RIT MFA blog, I came across this artist Colette Fu on the EnFoco's website. Her work is really quirky, which I like, and her pop-ups are pretty amazing. While the site leaves something to be desired, her pieces are an interesting juxtaposition of popular imagery and objects, of absurdly menacing miniature scapes. I do love absurdity, especially when it is completely unapologetic. ManRay in 3-D? I don't know how to describe this work, which is probably why I respond to it.
Her china blog is crazy too, it's like National Geographic on a binge. See it HERE!
Actually, upon spending a bit more time with these images, Colette's work also reminds me of Daniel Gordon's work, although the subjects are disparate, the approach and imagery seem somehow related.
Yeah, that's right, I just plugged an artist from RIT's rival program... Yale.
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