Sunday, December 7, 2008

New Images

I forced myself into the studio today. I thought I would be producing work within domestic spaces but it was proving to be a problem with my creative flow; meaning, I make a huge mess working on these constructions cutting and taping etc. so they take a lot of time and a lot of space, and therefore tend to be a burden within my own home space. I made the right decision by returning to the studio.
I thought I'd explore different constructions using decor and ornament (determined to use gilded mirrors which didn't exactly work out), and this is what I came up with. NOW I am beginning to question the idea of ornamentation and decor representing nature, I'm beginning to ask myself if there is any way of viewing these materials without a modernist perspective, meaning is there any way to truly comprehend ornament within the 21st century? I'm wondering this because I keep returning to the fractured space, a space with no space... I don't know, I just keep exploring more questions...before this I thought the fractured space in my images was about losing touch with nature, but now I'm beginning to think it's about something a bit different. Not sure, will hopefully keep working.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

new work: Constructions

OK, again I never post to my blog... but I'm back in Houston right now, and I've been thinking a lot about my images I produced this summer, and I'm pretty certain my visual thesis will be based on these images, the construction of space, and the way to use light to lead the eye into the different elements. Some of the images produce more of a painterly effect while some are more chiasm-like. I think these would be really suited for something like an illustration of a story, so I'm thinking about that, but I'm not much of a writer and therefore am hesitant to introduce another element that I'm not formally trained in using. However, I saw some information on something called Chinese Shadow theatre which was really interesting looking and seemed to tie into the products I make for my images so I think that will need to be researched further. Overall though I am seeing a connection between my constructions and a storyline, just not sure what kind of story.

Please view my new images here

Sunday, April 27, 2008

New Pics

now that it's springtime, I'm in the mood to break out and take pictures of this season. I don't care what people say, I love gardens, there's something so whimsical about even the starkest gardens. Here are a recent pics.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Summer Opportunities...

OK... so I've been formerly invited to the NPS Residency in New Zealand, I have not decided if I will accept the offer, but it certainly is exciting to have options available for the summer!! On another bright note, I completed my first phone interview for Anderson Ranch and I think it went pretty well, I was concerned about being nervous but I refrained from getting tongue tied and I managed to articulate my thoughts to the interviewer, so that is another option on the table.
My only concern now is for the residency I applied to with Amber, which I haven't heard back from, so I should probably put in a phone call soon to check out our status.

I am beginning to wonder if a residency and a break over the summer would do me more good than working the entire time... I really plan on teaching when I get out of RIT, so teaching and networking are incredibly important, however falling behind from not producing work for three months makes me incredibly nervous. I'll update this blog as soon as I hear back or make some decisions.

NPS website

Anderson Ranch website

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

New Work: The Stephogram

So I happened to discover the fun art of the scanogram while working on my digital book assignment this past week. I haven't delved deeply into the concept yet, but it was exciting to experiment with a new process, and I think there might be something to the graphic and yet un-photographic image that is created from the scans. I also think this may be the way to use the stitches and my photographs to create gestures and architectural spaces around and through my body. I have this strange feeling that this may be the bridge I've been looking for to mesh my body and architecture. I also really appreciate the manipulative way the digital artifacts can make my own image fade in and out. By using the transparency of the photographic image I am visually reconstructing and rendering an object that otherwise could not be altered by my hands.

Thursday, February 14, 2008


We had our preliminary walkthrough, or "mockthrough" today, it didn't go too badly, but I'm not really happy with the images I have to present for walkthrough. I'm currently working with the stitch and the photograph, but many of the best images from my grandparents' home (the original inspiration for this project) don't really seem to work with the stitch. So, I'm sure I need to move into another the space, or figure out another way of presenting the images. I've contacted a couple of people and maybe I'll be able to shoot another space prior to walkthrough, but maybe not as I have 2 papers and a project due on Monday and another paper and project due on Tuesday which leaves very little time to fix my images before next week.