OK... so I've been formerly invited to the NPS Residency in New Zealand, I have not decided if I will accept the offer, but it certainly is exciting to have options available for the summer!! On another bright note, I completed my first phone interview for Anderson Ranch and I think it went pretty well, I was concerned about being nervous but I refrained from getting tongue tied and I managed to articulate my thoughts to the interviewer, so that is another option on the table.
My only concern now is for the residency I applied to with Amber, which I haven't heard back from, so I should probably put in a phone call soon to check out our status.
I am beginning to wonder if a residency and a break over the summer would do me more good than working the entire time... I really plan on teaching when I get out of RIT, so teaching and networking are incredibly important, however falling behind from not producing work for three months makes me incredibly nervous. I'll update this blog as soon as I hear back or make some decisions.
NPS website
Anderson Ranch website